Modern phones have afforded us the opportunity to take unlimited amounts of photos, hampering our ability to truly remember the individual moments we want to hold onto.

To promote Fujifilm’s single-use cameras, which are limited to only 27 exposures, we’re launching a user-generated ad campaign that encourages people to capture 27 authentic moments - and make each one count.

The Real 27



 Hidden Cameras

We’ll hide 2,700 limited edition boxes all over the US, each one including a Fujifilm single-use camera, a memory diary, and a fanny pack to secure the first two items on your next adventure.


 Then we’ll tease the locations of the hidden cameras on social media and on pop culture media outlets online.


 We’ll then release the locations of all the boxes on our microsite where people can register their original Fujifilm box in order to participate in the campaign.

After taking their Real 27, participants will send in their photos to Fujifilm to be developed for free, and then we’ll feature them in our user-generated ad campaign if selected.


If you had but 27 frames, how can they tell your story when each frame is capable of so much?
Do you shoot for the skies or settle at the ceilings?
Do you break free from the scripts or just shoot for the gram?
When the gold lies in the candid moments and not in the predictable photo opps, realize that each frame tells a story, each snapshot suspends a moment in time forever. 
FujiFilm helps you preserve those memories.
Every moment is unique and unrepeatable; no circumstances will ever be exactly the same, we just find the best ones.
Find value in the special seconds, and comfort in the not-so-special ones. 
There’s no such thing as the perfect shot, embrace the imperfections and build your character.
Direct your own tale.
Expose your authenticity.
Capture your realness with one plastic button and one magical gear. 

Real Photos, Real Memories, Real Ads

Our out-of-home and social ads will showcase the content sent back to Fujifilm near the zip codes entered when the box was registered.


 A Times Square digital billboard will feature rotating photos from the campaign as Fujifilm receive them. The billboard will be streamed on Twitch so participants from all over the country can see their photos on the big screen.

 Fujifilm will release a quarterly ‘zine that showcases the most interesting photo submissions and interviews the photographers.


The top 27 amateur photographers, as voted by participants on the microsite, will be invited to NYC, where their work will be featured in a Brooklyn art gallery.


Miss out on a box? Fujifilm will keep the spirit of the Real 27 alive with updated packaging and a focus on capturing realness with one plastic button and one magical gear.

Stay prepared to catch real moments with merch that holds your camera with ease.

 Art: Christy Snyder
Copy: Piotr Brozyna